Employee welfare


Employee welfare means Anything done for an employee's comfort and improvement, intellectual or social over and above the salary given that is not a requirement of the industry

One of the most valuable resources of any organization is its workforce, so it is crucial to protect their physical and emotional health. To do this, the company must consider its personnel as an investment rather than a cost. This is crucial since employee productivity has a direct impact on the organization's profitability. Employee productivity is influenced by the workplace culture and welfare initiatives Implemented by the company. (Aaliya K,2020)

Principles of Employee Welfare

  1. Social Responcibility
  2. Democratic values
  3. Fair Wages
  4. Work efficiency
  5. Reconstruction of personality
  6. Shared responsibility
  7. Universility of welfare

Social Responcibility

Employee welfare isn't charitable giving. Because the working class cannot be left destitute and impoverished, employers must view this as a social obligation. In addition to causing psychological and social turmoil, social and economic inequality also discourages participation in the workforce and fosters inefficiency.

Democratic values

Social justice is the foundation of democracy. Its foundation is the idea of equity and equality. It's not good for democracy when the wealth gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow. Therefore, welfare amenities for the working class are necessary to help close income gaps and ultimately boost job satisfaction.

Fair Wages
The services must accommodate the actual needs of the employees. This implies that the management must ascertain what the genuine demands of the employee are with the participation of the workforce. The operation might be managed in a cafeteria.
The sufficiency of wages principle recognizes that labor welfare services are not intended to replace salaries but rather to push employees to perform at a higher level. And as a result, workers' working and social lives would improve.

Work efficiency
The efficiency of the workers will increase if the industry provides them with labor welfare services and amenities, which will increase production and give the industry a bigger competitive advantage.

Reconstruction of personality
The formation of a positive mindset in the workforce occurs when the needs and aspirations of the workforce are met. The resulting favorable environment alters the personalities of the personnel. The personalities of the officials and the workers are gradually rebuilt in a favorable way when industrial relations are strengthened.

Shared responsibility
Both the management and the employees share responsibility for the effective operation of an industrial business. In order to raise employee morale, the management must set up employee welfare programs. This will foster a friendly workplace culture and increase the company's productivity.

Universility of welfare
Employee welfare services are always going to be needed. It must be made available to all kinds of workers and employees in all nations, across all industries and other sectors, as well as to the working class throughout the world. (Vikash Kumar,2022 May).

Benefits of Employee Welfare

  1. Improved Industrial Relation
  2. Increase in the general efficiency and income
  3. High morale
  4. Creation of a permanent labour force
  5. Improvement in the mental and moral health
  6. Change in the outlook of employers
  7. Social benefits
Improved Industrial Relation
The workers are really satisfied with these measures, and they also contribute to preserving industrial harmony. There is a lessening of conflicts, instability, unrest, etc. There is a sense of belonging to the organization.

Increase in the general efficiency and income
Welfare facilities increase employees' general productivity by making them happy and satisfied both at home and in production. If they are not free from domestic problems like subpar housing and unhygienic surroundings, their efficiency and output could not be up to par. Once these concerns are gone, individuals can work with all of their passion and excitement.

High morale
The welfare programs must also contribute to getting the workers' willing cooperation. Once they are satisfied, they won't be as motivated to engage in harmful and aggressive. As a result, significant levels of employee morale are ensured.

Creation of a permanent labour force
The workers will be attracted to the project by these facilities and will stay longer. In the absence of such facilities, the workers travel a lot back to their villages for vacation and other purposes. Effective employees may look for greater opportunities and change to other companies. Such facilities are necessary to develop a permanent labor force.

Improvement in the mental and moral health
These facilities significantly alter the workers' perspectives, improve their mental faculties, and assist them in developing into responsible citizens. Without these facilities, individuals will eventually fall to numerous social addictions like drinking, gambling, etc.

Change in the outlook of employers
A change in the employees' attitudes and perspectives, along with their full cooperation, will also change the employers' perspectives. They'll develop a better attitude toward them. They won't even think twice before giving the employees a piece of the rewards of their hard work

Social benefits
These policies offer both companies and employees a variety of economic benefits in addition to a number of social benefits. In the end, an improvement in worker efficiency results in a rise in production, productivity, and the enterprises' profits. (Vikash Kumar,2022 May).

Employee welfare-objectives

  • To enhance the level of morale of employees.
  • To create a loyal, contented workforce in the organization.
  • To develop a better image of the company in the minds of the employees.
  • To enable the workers to live comfortably and happily.
  • To develop the efficiency of the workers.
  • To reduce the influence of trade unions over the workers.
  •  To expose the philanthropic and benevolent activities of the company.
  • To make the workers know that the company takes care of them.
  • To develop a positive attitude towards the job, company, and management.
  • To reduce the tax burden.
  • To develop a feeling of satisfaction of employees with the company.       (Aaliya K,2020)
Employers' efforts to improve the quality of life for those who work for them are known as employee welfare.

Every organization that wants to expand in the future must now consider this element, thus businesses take a variety of actions to give their employees the benefits of employee welfare in order to make them comfortable. (Anjali J,2020)


Employee Welfare-Available at -https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/human-resource-management 2/employee-welfare/employee-welfare/99778- Accessed-(15/07/2022)

Employee Welfare-Available at-https://theinvestorsbook.com/employee-welfare.html-Accessed-(15/07/2022)

Employee Welfare: Definition, Features, Approaches, Objectives, Types, Benefits-https://getuplearn.com/blog/employee-welfare/- Accessed-(15/07/2022)


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