Job description

A job description is a document that outlines the essential qualifications, responsibilities, and abilities needed to carry out a particular task. How success is determined in the position will be covered in a thorough job description so that it may be used in performance reviews. Job specifications, job profiles, JDs, and position descriptions are other names for job descriptions (JD) (Better team, 2022).

Examples of job descriptions for most roles can be found in our job description directory. You may instantly download and change our sample job descriptions to fit your business needs. A job description is available for the majority of popular jobs.

Job description components (Doyle, 2021)

  1. Job Title
  2. Job Purpose
  3. Job Duties and Responsibilities
  4. Required Qualifications
  5. Preferred Qualifications
  6. Working Conditions
Job Title
A job title is a phrase that briefly summarizes the position that an employee holds. A job title may indicate the position's level or the duties of the person who holds it depending on the employment.

Job Purpose
The purpose of the job description is to list all necessary job duties as well as the knowledge, abilities, and other qualities required for successful job performance. To ensure that it accurately reflects the employee's current allocated responsibilities, it should be updated frequently.

Job Duties and Responsibilities
Job responsibilities are the duties and responsibilities of a specific role. The work description is another name for this. However, roles refer to a person's place within a team. Depending on the organization or industry, different individuals play different roles in a team.

Required Qualifications
required qualification means a qualification that is critical to the ability of an individual to perform the duties of a position, and will take the form of a license, certification, or education completed by the candidate.

Preferred Qualifications
Preferred Qualifications are those that an applicant does not need to have in order to be a "candidate" for the job, but which are viewed as "nice to have" characteristics that will increase the applicant's chances of success.

Working Conditions
Working conditions cover both the workplace and specific components of an employee's employment agreement. This includes topics like work scheduling and work-life balance as well as the organization of work and work-related activities, training, employability, health, safety, and well-being.

Job description format

Key Benefits of a Well-Written Job Description (Davis, 2019)

Clarify expectations: Employers must be clear about what they expect from employees in terms of what they should be doing on a daily basis. To guarantee that employers and employees are on the same page and to avoid mistakes over what has to be done and when tasks should be clearly described.

Provide structureOrganizations need to make sure that all of their needs are being satisfied. Job descriptions give a company the structure and discipline it requires to ensure that all relevant tasks and responsibilities are given. They make it possible for organizations to assign and manage roles regularly, which improves the efficacy and efficiency of hiring, training, and development, organizational structure, workflow, and customer service.

Enable fair pay scales: Most employers give jobs grades or pay scales. The fair and logical salary of persons with the same or similar work duties can be ensured via a transparent method that offers a "salary range."

Identify skill sets and training needs: Job descriptions can assist businesses in comparing skill sets to identify what knowledge each employee possesses and what areas need improvement. Additionally, it may be useful for staff members' career advancement and succession planning.

Set a standard for performance review: Employers can analyze what has been completed and what has not since a worker's most recent performance evaluation by looking at the job description. Since it offers objectivity for evaluations, performance reviews, counseling, and disciplinary matters, many organizations base merit raises on job performance that is directly related to a job description.


Better team, (2022). What Is a Job Description? Betterteam [Online] Available at: [Accessed on: 28/08/2022].

Davis, D. (2019). Well-written job description. DLGVA. [Online]. Available at:[Accessed on:28/08/2022].

Doyle, A. (2021). Learn about different Job titles. the balance careers. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on: 28/08/2022].


  1. A job description should identify what kind of talent need to the organisation. Job description is very important to do the other process of HR department


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